Spark Studio Policies

  1. Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to your appointment.

  2. Remove shoes, place all belongings in the closet or locker

  3. Change into clean sticky/grip socks. If you do not have socks you can purchase socks in the studio*

  4. We recommend silencing your Apple watch during the lesson to keep the "Concentration" Principle of Pilates in full effect!

  5. Sessions/packages are non-refundable, non-sharable, and must be used within 4 months without extensions

*new 487 Adelaide St wellness and merch boutique coming soon

SPARK Cancellation Policy

We are a boutique studio without membership fees. Every session counts and as such we want to be clear about our cancellation policy.

Appointment times are reserved just for you, or you plus 1 or 2 - undivided attention provided by your certified teacher so you get the most out of your time under the guidance of a Pilates professional. We are all about your "return on investment"!

Each booking requires the reservation of the appropriate number of apparatuses for you to experience and have access to during your lesson.

Late cancels/changes or missed visits leaves unplanned gaps in the schedule that could have been filled by other clients, therefore the cancellation policy is strictly applied to all sessions canceled or changed, under the required time.

  • 24 hrs MINIMUM time required to cancel or change/reschedule private lessons to avoid being charged the full Single "drop in" rate or 1 session from a private package.

  • 48 hrs MINIMUM required to cancel or change/reschedule

    Subsidized fees for remaining partners are explained below:

  • when 1 partner late cancels (less than 48hrs): the client who late canceled will be charged their portion of the Duet and the remaining partner will receive a subsidized Private lesson.


    If one partner cancels outside the 48hrs, the remaining partner may choose to either early cancel or pay an upgrade fee (total of $105) and receive a Private Lesson.

  • 1 or 2 persons cancel under 48hrs, the client(s) is charged and the remaining 1 or 2 receive a subsidized private or duet lesson

    1 or 2 early cancels, the remaining person will be charged a supplement fee as follows:

    1 cancels - remaining 2 purchase a Duet

    2 cancel - remaining 1 pays for a private at a reduced rate of $105

1-1 Private Sessions

With the undivided attention of your fully certified Pilates expert, you will experience the genius philosophy and apparatus creations of Joseph Pilates' method. 

Semi-Private Lessons

In Duet or Trio Semi-Private lessons, training is curated for you and your chosen partners to experience Pilates using "the system"

Weekly Group Class

A 45 or 50 Minute Class using the Reformer and/or Mat